Monday, May 16, 2011

Exodus 24: The Covenant Ceremony

My Summary
Moses conducts a ceremony to affirm Israel's acceptace of the covenant with God. Later Moses and the elders go up the mountain and have a feast in the presence of God. After the feast Moses continues up to the top of the mountain for 40 days while God speaks to him.

Random Historical Things
1. Often in the Bible the number 70 stands for the totality of something. The fact that 70 elders were chosen shows that they were representing the entire nation of Israel.

2. There were many parts of the covenant ceremony which were similar to other ancient treaty rituals. God was using what they knew to affirm His covenant with them.

3. Nadab and Abihu are the sons of Aaron, however, (spoiler alert) they are going to find themselves in trouble later.

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. Moses is often held up as an example of Jesus and this chapter is one of the reasons. Moses went closer to God than the Israelites could and stood between them as a mediator just like Christ is a mediator between us and God. Moses sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the people so they would be acceptable to God and Jesus puts His own blood over us to make us acceptable to God. Even in the Old Testament a sacrifice of blood had to be made. Something had to die so the other could live so the sin could be considered punished. Of course, the only reason the animal sacrifices worked is because they looked forward to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. Today take a moment to thank Jesus for His blood and renew in your heart the covenant we have with God through Jesus.

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