Friday, January 21, 2011

Genesis 40: I Dreamed a Dream

My Summary

The Pharaoh's baker and butler offended him, so he put them in the same prison as Joseph. Joseph got put in charge of them. He noticed one day that they seemed distressed. He asked them why and they told him they had both dreamed the night before, but there was nobody to interpret them. Joseph asks them to tell him their dreams. He tells the butler that his dream means he will be restored to his position in 3 days, but the baker's dream means he will be executed in three days. Joseph asks the butler to remember Joseph when he is free. Joseph's predictions come true, but the butler forgets about Jacob once he is back in Pharaoh's palace.

Random Historical Things
1. Most commentators agree that the "captain of the guard" in verse 3-4 is Potiphar. If this is the case, then Jacob's political prison is actually in Potiphar's house or attached to it.

2. You may wonder why it distressed the butler and baker so much that they had no one to interpret their dreams. So what? I have dreams all the time. However, in ancient culture dreams were very important. Since they worked in Pharoah's court they would have had access to priests and professional dream interpreters. Now they are in prison and there is no one to interpret for them. Add that to the fact that they both had similar dreams in the same night in such a dire circumstance, and you can understand why they were distraught.

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. The biggest thing to see in this passage is God's faithfulness to Joseph. God brings someone into Joseph's life who just happens to need a dream interpreted. Joseph just happens to be blessed with the gift of dream interpretation from God. This person also is a close servant to the Pharaoh, who is also going to need a dream interpreted. Of course, this will lead to Joseph being released. However, at first it will seem as if the plan has failed. The butler forgets about Joseph! Even in the midst of disappointment, however, God is still at work! Do not be discouraged! He has a plan! Calvin points out that even though God could do something miraculously, He often chooses to work in seemingly normal ways that come together to do something miraculous.

2. Another thing to notice in this passage is the witness Joseph is able to be to the butler. He tells the butler that God is the master of dreams. He does not use "el" which is a generic name for God, but he uses "Yahweh" which is Israel's personal name for God. He makes sure the butler knows that Joseph's God is the master and not the gods of Egypt. We should always give the One True God credit when we are able to do something great!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish I had someone to interpret my dreams! These are great applications. I want to apply these to my life. Remember that God is at work in ways I can't see even when I feel disappointed. God is always faithful! Also, give God credit when great things happen. Thanks, Jason.
