Thursday, February 10, 2011

Exodus 2: You Have a Baby... In the Nile

My Summary
A Levite woman had a baby boy which she hid for 3 months. She named him Moses. When she could not hide him anymore she put him in a basket in the river with Moses' sister watching. The pharaoh's daughter found him and wanted to keep him. Moses sister offered to find someone to nurse and take care of him. Pharaoh's daughter ended up paying Moses' mom to raise him. When Moses was older he went out and saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand. When he tried to stop some Hebrews from fighting the next day he found out that the word was out about the murder. Since Pharaoh wanted to kill him, Moses fled to Midian. He helped some women water their flocks and the women's father took Moses in and had Moses marry one of his daughters. Moses had a son. The Hebrews in Egypt called out to God and God remembered them and had compassion.

Random Historical Things
1. It is important that Moses and Aaron were from the tribe of Levi. The Levites were to be the tribe from which the priests came and Aaron was Israel's first high priest. Moses also pleaded with God for Israel's sake. It is also interesting that Moses is a descendant of Levi. Levi was one of the ones who went on a killing spree at Shechem because of Dinah's rape. Moses kills an Egyptian because he sees the Egyptian mistreating a Hebrew. They both act to defend the helpless, but they both use wrong methods.

2. Later Israelite tradition held that Moses was a successful general in Pharaoh's army. According to the traditions, he led military exploits into the same are that Israel would later travel through on their way to Canaan. There is no biblical evidence for this, but it certainly is possible.

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. We see God's sovereign protection over the future savior of Israel, Moses. It is similar to when God protected our Savior from Herod when Herod killed the babies of Bethlehem. Both times, an attempt was made to thwart God's plan by cutting of His people, and both times God protected them. God also used the weak and lowly to carry out his plan. Women were looked on very lowly at this time in history, but God uses them again to frustrate the plans of kings. God uses Moses' mother to keep him safe from birth, Pharaoh's daughter to have compassion and Moses' sister to keep Moses' upbringing in his mother's hands. God also used the designs of evil (just like with Joseph's brothers) to accomplish His plan. Pharaoh commands Hebrew babies thrown into the Nile, and it is from the Nile the deliverer comes. Pharaoh's household trains and equips the very man who will free Israel. Pharaoh's own desire to kill Moses drives Moses to Midian where Moses meets God in the burning bush. Never forget that God always accomplishes His plan! If the circumstances seem to contradict God's plan, He can use the circumstances! If you feel weak and powerless, He can use the weak and powerless! If you feel like the evil one and the world are against you, God will use the designs of evil for good! Do not worry, take heart and be encouraged!

2. God really cared about the Israelites. When Israel cried out, God listened and remembered. That does not mean that God forgot, and He had to recall the information. It means God was getting ready to act. It means He was thinking about them, His covenant with them and the suffering they were enduring. God's plan of rescue was drawing close and we see God's tender compassion for His people. Remember that God loves you. When you cry out, He hears and listens. We do not serve the god of the deists who created the world and left it to run unattended. He is watching and working out His plan. He loves His people and always is compassionate towards them!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I love the obscure Sweet Home Alabama reference in the title! Great post!
