My Summary
Israel goes into the desert of Sin. First they complain about food so God provides manna. Then they complain about water so God brings water out of a rock. Then they are attacked by the Amalekites, but with God's help they defeat them.
Random Historical Things
1. Many have argued against having a day set apart for the Lord as being part of the Mosaic covenant at Sinai. However, we see here as we saw in Genesis that the Sabbath is something that has been around from the beginning. Here we see God introducing it before the Law is given to Israel. It is also interesting because there is not concept of a special day set apart for rest and worship every week in Egyptian or any other Near Eastern culture.
2. An omer is approximately 1/2 gallon.
3. According to Jewish tradition (including the histories of Josephus) the Hur mentioned in the fight with the Amalekites was Miriam's husband.
4. In all likelihood the reason the Israelites were lacking in water is because the Amalekites controlled the local water sources. If they had not complained, God would have allowed them to defeat them and gain access to the water, but they complained. God was patient and provided them another source of water.
And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. There are so many applications from these two chapters, but I will focus on a few. First it is interesting the way that Israel chooses to view situations. They were unhappy and wanted to complain. So when they looked at Egypt they remembered food and good times, but when they looked at where they were currently they saw the lack of water. They ignored how bad it had really been in Egypt and ignored how God had just miraculously provided food! Before we complain we should look and see if we are exaggerating the circumstances to make them seem worse or better as it suits our purpose.
2. The manna was more than just provision from God. It was a test for Israel to see how well they would obey God. This wilderness time was preparation for Israel. The rescue from Egypt had secured Israel as God's chosen people and now God was going to teach Israel how to act like they were God's chosen people. God said that He was sending manna to test whether or not Israel would obey. Unfortunately, they failed this first test. God was patient and provided for them anyway, but Israel was not off to a good start. Sometimes when things in our lives seem rough God may be testing us. He is our provider and He wants us to trust that He will provide for us.
3. There is a deeper meaning to the manna too, and that meaning is that the manna is a picture of Jesus. Jesus references it in John 6 when He is talking about the Bread of Life. Jesus compares Himself with the manna. The Israelites were physicall hungry and needed food to survive and we were spiritually hungry. God provided the manna and God provided Jesus. The main difference, spoken by Jesus Himself, is that after eating the manna the Israelites would become hungry again. However, those who partake of the Lamb of God will never hunger again. Praise God for the gift of His Son and praise Jesus who satisfied our need for spiritual salvation!
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