My Summary
God responds to Moses' questioning of God's plan. We see a genealogy of Aaron and Moses.
Random Historical Things
1. Exodus 12:40 states that Israel was in Egypt for 430 years. However, in the genealogies listed here there are only 4 generations from Jacob's sons to Moses and Aaron. However, if we remember from earlier postings, genealogies in the Bible often skip generations and only mention the important people.
2. Amram, Moses' father, apparently married his own aunt. The Mosaic law against this was not in place until Leviticus 18 so Amram broke no laws.
3. Many ancient kings began royal edicts or documend with, "I am (insert king's name)". For example the epic story of the ancient king Sargon began with, "I am Sargon, the mighty king..." We see God beginning His edicts the same way starting in verse 2.
And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. God establishes Himself as the same God of history who interacted with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was important for Moses to realize that this God who did such mighty things for his ancestors was the same God helping him now. The covenant that God had made with the patriarchs was still intact and God was keeping His promises. When it does not seem like God is working in your life or in the world around you, look back at what He has done in history. It is the same God and His promises, plan and covenant is still active! The same God who heard the cries of Israel hears your cries as well. We do not worship a generic god, but a God who acts in history and continues to act to this day. We also are not the first followers of God. He has been working in and through His people for a long time and He has not stopped now!
2. I am amazed by the patience of God with Moses and the Israelites. They showed so little faith and even outright questioned God! Moses even brought up his lack of speaking ability again! God responds to insecurity and questioning with a declaration of His power and ability. He responded to doubts with affirmation that He was their God and they were His people. When you go through times of doubt and questioning, remember that God is your God! He is going to use you for His plan and He will have no problem making up for your lack of gifts. Just trust Him.
3. The patriarchs knew of God as El Shaddai. Although the exact meaning of this is debated, the idea is that the patriarchs knew God through His mighty acts. God had not revealed all of Himself to them. They knew He was a God who helped them and made a covenant with them, but their understanding of God rested mostly on the actions they had witnessed. Verse 2 says that God is now revealing Himself not just as the Lord of power, but as the personal Yahweh that will be Israel's God. He is revealing a personal aspect of Himself that will be new to the chosen people. He is not just a mighty God, but He is their God. The God who has chosen them to be His personal people. Praise God for revealing Himself to us as our God! Praise Him for being a personal and real God to us. Although His power is certainly amazing, praise God that we know that we are His!
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