Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exodus 8: Frogs and Gnats and Flies! Oh My!

My Summary
Pharaoh continues to refuse to let Israel go as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th plague hit Egypt.

Random Historical Things
1. Some theologians have drawn attention to Revelation 16:13-14 which depicts evil spirits as frogs. They say that these frogs were symbolic of the evil spirits that existed in Egypt because of their worship of false gods. Personally I think that is a stretch. It works just fine to have the frogs be an annoying and disgusting creature that God could use to show His power over the gods of Egypt and judge Pharaoh for not letting Israel go, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

2. One of Egypt's major gods had the responsibility for keeping the frog population in check. By God multiplying the frogs it showed the impotency of this god.

3. You may be wondering why Moses told Pharaoh that the Israelites' sacrifices would be detestable to the Egyptians. It is possible that the Israelites were going to sacrifice animals considered sacred to the Egyptians or possibly just because they were going to worship a God who was currently showing up the gods of their land.

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. God's power finally overwhelms the abilities of the Egyptian magicians. They are no longer even able to produce a cheap copy of God's miracles. They are forced to admit to Pharaoh that there is a god at work. They do not recognize Yahweh as the one true God, but only a very powerful god that seems to be more powerful than the gods of the Egyptian. How sad it is that so many recognize that there is a divine being. The acknowledge the existence of some god or power that controls things and created us. However, they never take the initiative to get to find out that this god is the God of the Bible, the God of Israel and the God of salvation. They never investigate to see if Jesus is God's Son who died for us to save us from their sins. God always remains vague to them. He is powerful maybe, but not the personal and supreme God of history of the Bible. Let us always declare the truth of Who God is to those who only know Him in the general sense!

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