Friday, March 25, 2011

Exodus 9-11: Pharaoh, Imma Let You Finish, But Israel Has the Best God of All Time

My Summary
The fifth through 9th plagues come and Pharaoh still has not agreed to let the people go. He has repented several times in order to get a plague lifted, but always hardens his heart when the plague is gone. Moses announces the 10th and final plague.

Random Historical Things
1. When it says that the disease killed "all" of the livestock there is an interesting Hebrew word being translated there. It can also mean "in all places" or be a figure of speech meaning "lots and lots." Obviously not all of Egypts cattle were killed since they are still around in future plagues.

2. When Moses says that there will come a hailstorm the likes of which have never been seen in Egypt before he is showing his Egyptian upbringing. In many ancient Egyptian tablets kings will write something like, "I have won a victory the likes of which has never been seen," or "I have build a palace which is greater than any since Egypt was founded." It was a commonly used phrase among Egyptian royalty.

3. Based on the crops that were damaged and those that the Bible says were not damaged we can fix the hail storm in sometime late January or early February.

4. If you read Revelation 16:17-21 you will see that the 7th plague in Exodus matches the seventh bowl of judgment in quite a few ways.

And So What We Have Learned Applies to Our Lives Today...
1. What I want to focus on in this application is the response of Pharaoh to God's judgment. At times Pharaoh acknowledges that Yahweh is a true God, accepts Yahweh's power and even seems to repent of his sins. Belief and repentance are two of the pillars of becoming a follower of God. However, there is a belief in God based on fear that does not lead to a saving faith. There is also a false repentance based on fear of punishment that does not indicate true repentance and change. Repentance is turning from sin and turning to God, but all Pharaoh did was say he was sorry in order to get the plagues to stop. True repentance is on the inside and God sees the heart. He can not be fooled by false belief and repentance. True faith and true repentance leads to change, but Pharaoh returned to his hardened self as soon as he got what he wanted. Yet after all that God was still patient with him and gave Pharaoh chance after chance even when Pharaoh continually lied to God and Moses. God is patient and kind and His judgment is executed with restraint to allow the opportunity for repentance. How sad that so many do not respond to God's judgment with true repentance, but with hard hearts. Let us always thank God for the work He did in our hearts to cause true repentance and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

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